Infinizi Consulting

Thank you for being a part of the family of Infinizi Consulting. We at Infinizi Consulting have high regard for your privacy and want you to comprehend how we collect, share, and use the data about you. Our Privacy Policy aims to cover all our data collection practices and explain your rights regarding your personal data.
This specific Privacy Policy is applicable when you visit or use the Infinizi Consulting websites and mobile applications. It is also applicable to all the potential customers of our products and services.
When you make use of the content of our academic platform, you agree to the terms of our Privacy Policy. You must not use the website if you do not see eye to eye with this Privacy Policy or any other forms of agreement that rules your consumption of the educational content.

1.What Data We Collect

We assimilate certain data from you directly, like the crucial info you fill out about yourself, data regarding your content use, and the important data from third-party platforms that you connect with Infinizi Consulting. We also gather certain data automatically, like your device info and what sections of our content you interact with the most or spend considerable time using.

1.1. Data You Give to Us

Infinizi Consulting may also assimilate various data from or regarding you based on how you use the content of our website. Take a look at the instances listed below to comprehend better the data we assimilate.

When you create an account with us and make use of our educational content, even though a third-party platform, we assimilate any data you offer to us directly, with the inclusion of-

Account Data-When you create a user account on the website of Infinizi Consulting, we assimilate and save certain personal details like email address, password, and account settings. To create a tutor account, we also assimilate certain significant info like your name, email address, password, and account settings. When you use certain unique features on our website, you can be immediately prompted to provide additional info like government ID info, your occupation, date of birth, verification photo, skills and interests, race or ethnicity, and phone number. Once the account is created, we also provide you with a unique identifying number.

Profile Data-You can also opt to offer us crucial profile info like a headline, your biography, language details, website link, verified social media profiles, country, or any other significant data. Note all these profile data will be viewable to others.

Shared Content-Sections of the products and services available on our website will enable you to communicate with other users or even share our educational content publicly, like by posting reviews on the content, answering or asking queries, sending important messages to students or instructors, or even publishing photos or any other content you upload. Note such kinds of shared content can be viewed publicly by others based on where it is published.

Academic Educational Content Data-When you make use of the educational content on the website of Infinizi Consulting, we tend to assimilate certain data incorporating the courses, labs, assignments, workspaces, term papers, and quizzes that you have undertaken and completed. We also collect data of your content purchases and credits, subscription info, certificates of completion, your interactions with our tutors, teaching assistants and other students on our platform. This list also includes crucial answers to questions and other elements that are submitted to meet the related content requirements. If you are an instructor on our website, we also save your educational content, which may include crucial info about you.

Payment Data-If you make any purchases on the website of Infinizi Consulting, we assimilate data from your purchase history (like your name, ZIP code, and the complete billing address). It is vital to process your orders, and that can be auto-saved for the processing of future orders. If you want, you can also give certain payment and billing data information to the payment service providers of our website, like your name, complete credit card information, billing address, and ZIP code.

In certain circumstances, we may also access limited information, like the fact that you are using a new card for your purchases and the last four digits of the card. We collect this kind of information from payment service providers to allow future payments. Note for security purposes, Infinizi Consulting do not ever assimilate or store sensitive cardholder information, like the entire credit card number or any kind of card authentication data.

Instructor Payment Data-If you are a tutor on the website of Infinizi Consulting, you can easily link your Payoneer, PayPal, any other payment account to receive the payments for your content. Now, when you link a payment account on our website, we assimilate and use certain crucial info like the email address of your payment account, account ID, physical address or any other significant data essential for us to send the payments to your account.

To act in accordance with the applicable laws, we have also joined our hands with trusted third parties who assimilate necessary tax info as needed legally. This vital tax info may incorporate your tax identification numbers, residency information, biographical info, or any other personal information required for taxation purposes. Due to security purposes, Infinizi Consulting doesn’t gather or save sensitive bank account info. The use, assimilation, and revelation of your billing and taxation data are subjected to our privacy policy and other crucial terms of your payment account provider.

Your Account Data on Other Services-Note, we may acquire certain crucial info through your online accounts and social media profiles if you connect to your account on the Infinizi Consulting website. If you log in on Infinizi Consulting through Facebook or any other third-party website or platform, we will ask for permission to acquire certain significant information about that other account. For instance, based on the service or platform, we will assimilate info like your name, profile picture, login email address, account ID number, location, the physical position of your access devices, gender, date of birth, and list of friends or your contacts.

Those websites and services aid us in accessing your information through their APIs. The crucial info we get access to depends on what significant information you, through your privacy settings or the website or platform, decide to provide us. If you make use of our content through any third-party platform or website or even click on any third-party links, the collection, usage and sharing of your data will be subjected to our privacy policies and other significant agreements of that third party.

Contests, Surveys, and Promotions- Infinizi Consulting may request you to participate in a survey or take part in a promotion, either through our products or services or through any third-party platform. If you decide to take part in our contests, we will assimilate and save the data you fill in as a part of participation, like your name, email address, postal address, birth date, or personal contact number. This significant data is completely subjected to our Privacy Policy unless stated otherwise in the official guidelines of the promotion or in any other privacy policy.

The data we gather will be used to regulate the surveys or promotions, with the inclusion of a vital process for informing the winners and disbursing rewards. When you get a prize from us as a part of a contest or survey, you can be asked to give permission to post certain information publicly on our winner’s page. Please note, when we use a third-party platform to regulate a promotion or survey, the privacy policy of the third-party website will apply.

Support And Communications-If you contact Infinizi Consulting for any kind of assistance or to file a report for an issue or concern, we assimilate and save your personal contact info, messages, and other crucial info like your name, messages, physical address, email address, Infinizi Consulting tutor account ID, the ID of refund transactions, and any other significant data that you give or that we assimilate through automated mediums. We make use of this important data to respond to you and research your concern or issue, abiding by the rules and regulations of this Privacy Policy.

1.2 Data We Assimilate Through Automated Means

When you make use of our education content or even browse content on our website, we assimilate certain data by automated means, like-

Data Of Systems/ Devices –We assimilate technical info about your device or computer, like your IP address, kind of device, operating system kind and version, unique device identifiers, browser language, domain and other systems data, and types of websites.

Data on Usage- Infinizi Consulting also collects significant statistics about interactions with our content and product, with the inclusion of accessed content, time invested on pages or a specific service, visited pages, the website features used, your search history, date and time, referrer and other kinds of data concerning your use of our products and services.

Estimated Geographic Data-We also collect estimated info of your geographic position, with the inclusion of significant information like city, country, coordinates of your location, computed on the basis of your IP address.

Please note the data enlisted above is strictly assimilated through the server log files and tracking technologies, as explained in the ‘Cookies and Data Collection Tools’. It is saved by Infinizi Consulting and associated with your account.

1.3 Data Accessed from Third Parties

Apart from the significant info you submit to us; we may also assimilate certain important business contact info from third-party commercial sources if you are an enterprise or corporate prospect of Infinizi Consulting.

2.How We Access the Data Concerning You

To collect the data concerning you, Infinizi Consulting makes use of essential tools like cookies, web beacons, and similar kinds of tracking technologies to collect the extensive list of data we have mentioned above. There are some of these tools that even provide you with the opportunity to opt-out of data assimilation.

2.1. Tools For Data and Cookies Assimilation

Infinizi Consulting makes use of cookies, the small text files saved by your web browser, to assimilate, save, and share data about your activities online, with the inclusion of our website. These cookies help us remember crucial elements about your visits to Infinizi Consulting, like language preference which makes our site much easier to use.

Infinizi Consulting and the service providers operating on our behalf (like third-party advertisers and Google Analytics) make use of server log files and automatic data assimilation tools like tags, cookies, customized links, scripts, devices, web beacons, or browser fingerprints. These remarkable Data Assimilation Tools track and assimilate certain Usage Data and System Data automatically when you access our content. In certain situations, we even group the collected data via those Data Assimilation Tools to other kinds of data that we have gathered, as explained in the above section.

2.2. The Crucial Reasons for Using the Data Collection Tools

Infinizi Consulting makes use of all the Data Collection Tools for all the purposes explained below-

Strictly Essential– These essential Data Collection Tools will help you use our website, offer basic functionality (like accessing our educational content and logging in feature), safeguard the website, offering protection against fraud activities and logins. It also identifies and prevents the abuse or unapproved use of the account. These are essential for our website and content to function properly. Thus, if you disable them, sections of the site will permanently break or become wholly unavailable.

Performance-These remarkable Data Assimilation Tools also enables us to estimate and enhance our content by offering data of usage and performance, count of visits, sources of traffic, or the info of where an application is downloaded from. These tools can help us in assessing various Infinizi Consulting versions to assess which content or features our consumers tend to prefer and identify which email messages are mostly opened.

Functional- These exemplary Data Collection Tools also help us in remembering the data of your preferences and browser, offer additional site functionality and modify the content so that it can be more relevant to you. It also helps in remembering crucial settings impacting the appearance and the behavior of our content, for example, the favored language or volume level for video playback.

Advertising-These essential Data Collection Tools also helps in providing relevant ads on the basis of the elements we know about you, like your System and Usage Data and even the significant aspects that remarkable ad service providers know about you with their tracking data. These ad suggestions are entirely based on your current activity or activity over a span of time and across various other websites. Infinizi Consulting may also help these service providers with a certain kind of hashed and anonymous version of your email address and the information of the content you share publicly on our website so that they can deliver customized ads only for you.

Social Media- These specific Data Collection Tools also allows social media functionality, like sharing content with peers and connections. These kinds of cookies can effectively track a device or even a user across other websites. Not only that, but it also helps in developing a profile of interests of the user with the objective of targeted advertising.

Please note you can even set your web browser so that it can notify you about various attempts to place cookies on your system, set a certain limit for the kinds of cookies you permit, or even altogether reject them. However, if you do so, you will not be able to access certain exclusive features of our website, which will result in a different or less satisfying experience.

3.The Purpose We Use Your Data For

Infinizi Consulting may use your data to do various things like offer our content, interact with you, troubleshoot various issues, safeguard against abuse and fraud, enhance and update our website, assess the ways people use our website, serve customized advertising, and as necessitated by the law or essential for safety and integrity. We also hold on to your data for as long as it is required to accomplish the objectives for which it was assimilated.

Infinizi Consulting uses the data we assimilate through your use of our content to-.

  • Offer and regulate the products and services, involving facilitating participation in academic content, exhibiting tailored content, issuing completion of certificates, and helping in communication with other users of the websites.
  • Processing of payments to tutors and other third parties
  • Interact with you concerning your account by
  • Addressing your queries and concerns
  • Sending you various administrative info and notifications, with the inclusion of messages from tutors, students, and teaching assistants; messages about essential changes in our service and crucial updates in our agreement.
  • Sending you the necessary information, by emails or messages, regarding reward programs, progress in courses, the launch of new products or services, introducing new features, newsletters, and other available tutor-created content
  • Sending various push messages to give news about updates and other relevant messages
  • Regulating your account preferences to personalize your content experience with us
  • Confirm the identity of various tutors
  • Seeking feedback from innumerable users
  • Content subscription plans to potential customers
  • Know more about you by connecting your data with additional data through third-party data providers and assessing the data with the aid of analytics service providers
  • Determine our unique users across various devices
  • Customize advertisements across various devices
  • Enhance our content, develop new content or services, and launch new premium features
  • Evaluate traffic and trends, track various purchases and track the usage data
  • Market our content on third-party applications and websites
  • As needed or approved by the law

4.The Parties We Share Your Data With

Infinizi Consulting can distribute certain crucial data about you with tutors, other users of the website, and companies operating various services for us. This includes our business partners, data enrichment and analytics providers, different organizations helping us run our surveys, contests, and promotions, and advertising companies who enable us to promote our website. Additionally, we can also share with your crucial data as required for security, legal rules and regulations, or as a crucial section of corporate restructuring. Finally, we can also distribute your data in other remarkable ways if it is de-identified or aggregated or if we get your approval.

Infinizi Consulting may share certain data of yours with various third parties under the below-listed circumstances or as otherwise stated in our Privacy Policy-

With The Tutors of Infinizi Consulting- We share the crucial data about you (excluding your mail address) with our tutors for academic content you view or request info about so that they can enhance their content keeping your as well as other students’ needs in mind. This crucial data may incorporate aspects like country, city, browsing language, device settings, operating system, the third-party website that brought you to Infinizi Consulting and your activities on the website.
Furthermore, if we collect any other info concerning you, like age or gender, we will share that too.

However, please note, we will not share your email Id with our tutors.

With Other Students and Tutors-Based on the settings of your device, your shared content, as well as profile data, can be publicly viewed by other students and tutors on the website of Infinizi Consulting.. If you post any query for a tutor, your certain information (with the inclusion of a name) can be publicly viewed too. Please note, all the chat rooms, newsgroups, message boards, or other public forums are publicly viewable to other participants, so it is up to you to not publish any proprietary or confidential information through the mentioned features.

With Distinct Service Providers, Contractors, and Agents-Infinizi Consulting tends to share your data with numerous third-party websites that offer services for us, like processing of payments, prevention of fraud and abuse, data evaluation, advertising and marketing services, hosting and email services, and customer support and services. These service providers can gain access to your personal data and are needed to use it as we ask them to, for offering our requested products and services.

With Business Partners of Infinizi Consulting-We have certain agreements with other platforms and websites to share our content and drive the necessary traffic to Infinizi Consulting. Based on your geographical coordinates, we can share your crucial data with these partners.

With Credit-Granting Companies for Continuing the Education-If you are pursuing a course to complete a continuing professional educational need, we can share your info on the request of the company approving the continuing education credit.

For Supporting the Social Media Features-The social media features in the products or services of Infinizi Consulting may enable the third-party social media provider to assimilate crucial aspects like your IP addresses and the page of the website you are paying a visit to and to set a cookie to facilitate this specific feature. The interactions you have with these features are strictly regulated by the privacy policy of the third-party company.

To Regulate Surveys and Promotions– We can also share your data as required to regulate, advertise, or sponsor the surveys or promotions you decide to take part in, as needed by applicable law for making a winner’s line or making the necessary filings. All these processes are completely abiding by the rules of the promotion or survey.

For Marketing- If we make the decision to use a marketing-supported revenue model in the future, we can make use of and share certain System

Data and Usage Data with the third-party marketing companies and networks to demonstrate general demographics and info on preference among our users.

We can also give permission to our advertisers to assimilate System Data via Data Collection Tools to make use of this data to provide you with targeted ad delivery to personalize your experience. They can also use this data to undertake web analytics. The marketers can also share this crucial info they collect concerning you with us. Please note that if you make the decision to opt-out, you will still continue to receive generic ads.

For Security and Legal Adherence-We can reveal your data to third parties if we only believe that the revelation is

  • Approved or needed by the law
  • Requested as a section of governmental, judicial, or legal inquiry, order, or proceedings
  • Required as a section of subpoena, warrant or other legally-reasonable requests
  • Needed to identify, avoid or address fraud, misuse, abuse, probable infringement of rules and regulation, security or technical concerns
  • Reasonably essential in our caution to safeguard against impending harm to the rights, content, or safety of Infinizi Consulting, our users, employees, public members or our products and services
  • We may also share data concerning you with our auditors and legal counsellors to evaluate our disclosure rights and obligations under this specific Privacy Policy.

In Situations of Change-If Infinizi Consulting undergoes any kind of business transactions like acquisition, merger, corporate divestiture, or dissolution (with the inclusion of bankruptcy) or a sale of all or some of its assets, in such situations, we can share, reveal, or transfer all of your data to our successor company.

After De-identification/ Aggregation-We may reveal or use aggregated or de-identified data for fulfilling any of our objectives.

With Your Consent-We can share your data with third parties outside the scope of this Privacy Policy only with your approval.


Infinizi Consulting always tends to use appropriate security on the basis of the type and sensitivity of the data being saved. With any internet-enabled system, there always remains the risk of unapproved access. Thus, it is significant to safeguard your password and to get in touch with us immediately if you have a suspicion there is any unapproved and illegal access to your account on our website.

Infinizi Consulting takes necessary security measures to safeguard against any kind of unapproved access, revelation, alteration or destruction of your personal data that we assimilate and save. These estimations may hugely vary depending on the data kind and sensitivity. However, please note no system can be 100% safe and secured. Thus, we cannot completely guarantee that the interactions between Infinizi Consulting and you or any kind of crucial information we collected through our website will be wholly free from unlicensed access by third-party websites.

The password of your user account on our website is a crucial part of our security system, and it is your sole responsibility to safeguard it. Remember not to share your password with any third party. And, if you come under the belief that your account or password has been compromised in any way, we recommend you to change it instantly and get in touch with our Support Team with any kinds of concerns.

6.Your Rights

Every individual has certain rights around the data use, with the inclusion of the ability to opt-out of cookies, promotional emails, and data collection by various third-party websites. One can terminate or update their account from the website of Infinizi Consulting and can also get in touch with us for individual rights requests about personal data.

Guardians or parents who think that we have assimilated certain crucial personal data about their underage child should always consult us for assistance in deleting that info.

6.1 The Choices about the Use of Your Data

Any individual can choose not to provide certain data to Infinizi Consulting. However, you may not be able to make use of certain crucial features of our websites-

  • You can always opt-out by clicking on the unsubscribe mechanism in the promotional communication you receive or by making changes in the email preferences in your account to put a stop to receiving promotional communications from us. Please note that regardless of your email preference settings, we can send you various transactional and relationship messages regarding the services, like order confirmations, administrative confirmations, crucial updates about the services, and important notices on our policies.
  • Know the device or the web browser you use to view our content can enable you to manage cookies and other kinds of local data storage. Furthermore, your wireless device can also help you manage whether your geographical coordinates or other data is assimilated and shared.
  • Each Android iOS, Apple iOS, and Microsoft Windows can give their own instructions on how to control in-app tailored advertising. In the case of other devices and operating systems, please remember to review your privacy settings on that specific platform.

If you have any concerns or queries about your data on our website, our usage of it, or regarding your rights, ensure to get in touch with us at

6.2. Access, Update and Delete Policies Regarding Your Personal Data

Please note you can always access and update the significant data that Infinizi Consulting assimilates about you and maintain in the below-enlisted ways-

  • Log in to your account on our website and update it manually at any time to update the crucial data you offer to Infinizi Consulting directly.
  • In order to terminate your account on our website-
  • Ensure to visit your profile settings page and implement the steps given here, if you are a student
  • If you are a tutor, implement the steps given here
  • If you have any concerns or issues in terminating your account, please get in touch with our Support Team
  • It is crucial to note that even after your account on our website gets terminated, certain or all of your data can still be publicly viewable to others, incorporating without
  • limitation any data that has been already- a. saved, copied, or distributed by other users of the website (with the inclusion of comments on our content) b. distributed or shared by you or others on our website (incorporating in your shared content), or c. published on a third-party website or platform.

Even after you take down the account, we hold on to your data for as long as we think there is a legitimate objective to do so (and adhering to all applicable legal rules and regulations), incorporating to aid with legal obligations, for resolving the disputes and imposing our agreements. Infinizi Consulting can hold on to and disclose such crucial data pursuance to this specific Privacy Policy after the account has been taken down.
Please make use of the online form provided here to request to access, rectify, or delete the personal data. You can also submit your requests by dropping a mail at

We can take up to 30 days for providing a response. To protect you, we may also need you to send your request through the email address associated with your account on our website. We can also verify your identity before taking any action on your request.

Please note that we hold on to certain data where we believe we have a lawful basis for doing so, with the inclusion of mandatory record-saving and to complete the transactions safely.

6.3. The Policy of Infinizi Consulting Regarding Children

Infinizi Consulting recognize the privacy of children and therefore encourage guardians and parents to actively monitor their children’s online interests and activities. Children who are younger than 18 years but have reached the necessary age for consent to make use of online services where they live (like, 13 in the US or 16 in Ireland) may not set up an account on their own.

In such a case, they will have a guardian or a parent who can open an account for them on our website and aid them in accessing the appropriate content. Again, children who are younger than the required age for consent to use our website may not use the website. If we come to know that we have assimilated personal data from a child under the required age of consent, we will instantly take the necessary steps to take it down.

Guardians or parents who believe that Infinizi Consulting may have assimilated crucial personal data from a child under those consent ages can submit a request for it to be removed at

7.Jurisdiction-Specific Rules of Our Privacy Policy

If you are an individual residing in Australia, you possess the right to lodge a formal complaint with the appropriate government agency. Now, if you are a user who resides outside of the United States, please note that we transfer the crucial data to the US and other specific areas outside of the European Economic Area.

7.1 Users in Australia

If you are an individual residing in Australia and you require lodging a complaint, you can always refer it to the office of the Australia Information Commissioner (OAIC). You can always get in touch with OAIC by logging in to the website of www. or dropping an email at enquiries You may also get in touch with the team of Infinizi Consulting at globalassignmentservice@gmail.comto file a complaint about the infringement of the Australian Privacy Principles that we will respond to within 30 days.

7.2 Users in the United Kingdom (UK) and in the European Economic Area (EEA)

If you are residing in the UK or EEA, you possess the right to seek access to your data in a portable format and to seek erasure, correction, proceeding restriction, or complaint regarding the processing of your crucial personal data. As mentioned in Section

7.5, you also possess complete rights to acquire a free copy of the Standard Contractual Clauses. Also, if you are residing in the UK, EEA, or Switzerland, you hold complete rights to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.

As explained in Section 4, Infinizi Consulting also processes the personal data outside the UK, Switzerland, and the EEA, with the inclusion of facilitation of payments, proceeding with the transactions, and offering support services. We also make use of Standard Contractual Clauses adopted by the European Commission to allow the transfers of personal data from the EEA to third countries and have entered into data processing agreements with our website to prohibit and manage the processing of your data. When you submit your data or use our website, you give approval for this transfer, saving, and processing operations by Infinizi Consulting.

7.3. Users Residing Outside the US

To provide the essential services to you, Infinizi Consulting also transfers your crucial data to the United States and processes it there. If you are making use of our website from outside the United States, you give approval for transferring, storing, and processing the data in and to the United States or other countries.

8.Update & Contact Information

When and if Infinizi Consulting makes any kind of significant change to this Privacy Policy, we will ensure to inform our users via email, in-product notice, or any other mediums needed by the law. Please note the changes will become effective the day they’re published. Feel free to get in touch with us via email or postal mail with any concerns, queries, or discussions.

8.1 Essential Changes to This Privacy Policy

Infinizi Consulting can update this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make any kind of significant changes to it, we will ensure to inform you through an email or a notification posted on the website or as necessitated by the applicable legal rules and regulations. We will also incorporate a summary of the vital changes made. Unless mentioned otherwise, changes will become effective on the day they are published.

As approved by the applicable legal rules and regulations, if you continue to the content after the effective date of change in the policy, then your use or access will be considered to be an acceptance of the new and modified Privacy Policy. The modified and new Privacy Policy substitutes all the previous Privacy Policies.

8.2. Interpretation

As mentioned by the ‘Terms of Use’ of Infinizi Consulting, any kind of capitalized terms will not be defined in this policy. For the purpose of convenience, we can offer any version of this Privacy Policy in a language other than English. If you find any difference of opinion with the Privacy Policy of a non-English version, you must consider and approve that the English language version of the Privacy Policy will be adhered to.

8.3. Queries

If you happen to have any kind of queries, concerns, grievances, or disputes about the Privacy Policy of Infinizi Consulting, do not hesitate to get in touch with the team of Infinizi Consulting (with the inclusion of our Data Protection Officer) at

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